Acquire app users with high ROAS to maximize campaign ROI
Use our deep learning acquisition solution to find users with the highest ROAS for each app.

Best App Marketing Platform at the App Growth Awards 2024
Appier is honored to be recognized as the Best App Marketing Platform at the App Growth Awards 2024. This prestigious accolade underscores our unwavering commitment to innovation, delivering measurable results, and empowering businesses to push the boundaries of app growth.
Schedule a free consultation with our Growth Experts!
Appier Ranked as Top ROI-Driving Ad Partner by Singular
Discover why Appier, has clinched the top ranking in the 2024 Singular ROI Index. With impressive results across various categories, including iOS gaming and Android global ROI, this recognition highlights Appier’s achievements in delivering exceptional value and measurable results for our customers in the ever-evolving digital landscape.
Want to learn more about more impactful, data-driven solutions powered by AI?

ROAS-based optimization
Our platform predicts based on early signals and patterns the best group of users that fulfill multiple goals like “visit,” “register,” “purchase,” and other future behaviors or patterns, such as lifetime value, that will bring the highest ROI for our customers. and ensure a satisfactory ROAS.

Predict user value and find the most valuable ones with deep learning
Our AI technology leverages deep learning technology to automate prediction model construction to predict the most valuable users. Over ten thousand feature combinations such as user profiles, site data, user behavior will then be fed into our deep learning model to help our customers to find quality users in real-time and win the optimal bid.

High-quality traffic with 100% transparency
Rest assured that your app user reach is as expansive as can be. AIBID covers up to 98% of the app users globally and helps you engage with app users in over 500K of mobile apps. 100% transparent traffic to grow your app business healthily.

Revolutionary 3D Ad Creatives
Get futuristic with your ad campaigns using state-of-the-art 3D creatives. Convert standard graphics into stunning lifelike visuals that grab attention and drive your app marketing metrics to new heights.

After implementing Appier's AIBID solution, our app's growth soared to new heights. The platform's ability to generate great installs right from Day 1 was impressive, and we experienced a consistent stream of high-quality users with excellent retention rates. What truly impressed us was how AIBID helped us achieve the ROAS targets we had in place. AIBID has become an integral part of our user acquisition strategy, and we eagerly anticipate the continued success it will bring to other game titles.
WooChang Lee
Deputy Department Manager, NEXON
Check out other AIBID success stories
post: {hs_id=148687421536, hs_child_table_id=0, title_ko=첫째 날부터의 게임 이용자 확보, hs_updated_at=1708332169101, description_jp=ネクソンは、Appierのユーザー獲得&リエンゲージメントソリューション「AIBID」を導入し、自社タイトルにとって最も価値あるプレイヤーの特定・ターゲティングを実施しました。AIBIDは、リリース初日から、ネクソンのゲームを長期間プレイし、アプリ内購入を行う価値の高いプレイヤーを獲得することに貢献しました。, hs_published_at=1740541000154, title_jp=Day 1 からのゲームユーザー獲得, description=Nexon deployed AIBID user acquisition and re-engagement solution to identify and target the most valuable gamers for its titles. From Day 1 of a game’s launch, AIBID has been able to successfully acquire high-ROAS users who will play the game long-term and make in-app purchases., title=High-ROAS user acquisition from Day 1, description_ko=넥슨은 Appier의 AIBID 사용자 획득 및 리인게이지먼트 솔루션을 사용해 자사 게임에서 고가치 게이머를 식별하고 타겟팅했습니다. 게임 출시 첫날부터 AIBID는 게임을 장기간 플레이하고 게임에서 인앱 구매를 일으키는 고가치 게이머를 성공적으로 획득할 수 있었습니다., url=https://www.appier.com/en/success-stories/nexon-0, hs_created_by_user_id=26624525, hs_created_at=1701828652084, hs_is_edited=false, hs_deleted_at=0, name=Nexon, logo={url=https://www.appier.com/hubfs/CaseStudyCards_Nexon.png, width=528, height=160, altText=, type=image}, description_zh=Nexon 採用了 Appier 的 AIBID 用戶獲取和再互動解決方案,為旗下遊戲辨認並鎖定高價值顧客。AIBID 從遊戲發行首日起便成功獲取高價值玩家,意即會長期玩遊戲並持續在 App 內購買、為遊戲公司貢獻收益的玩家。, hs_updated_by_user_id=26624525, title_zh=從 Day 1 開始的遊戲用戶獲取}

High-ROAS user acquisition from Day 1
Nexon deployed AIBID user acquisition and re-engagement solution to identify and target the most valuable gamers for its titles. From Day 1 of a game’s launch, AIBID has been able to successfully acquire high-ROAS users who will play the game long-term and make in-app purchases.
post: {hs_id=148796026684, hs_child_table_id=0, title_ko=유저 획득 성공, EMEA 캐주얼 게임, hs_updated_at=1708332197672, description_jp=ハイパーカジュアルゲーム分野でGet Colorの画期的マーケティングは5か国で驚くべき成果。高LTVプレイヤーに焦点を絞り、クリエイティブなコンテンツを最適化し、ROAS向上とCPI削減を達成。サンプリング、最適化、スケーリングを経て、業界を変革する成功を収めました。, hs_published_at=1740541000154, title_jp=EMEA カジュアルゲームでのUA成功, description=Get Color's campaign for its hyper-casual game spanned 5 countries, focusing on high-value gamers with optimized content to achieve remarkable ROAS and CPI reduction., title=High-ROAS success in EMEA casual game, description_ko=Get Color의 혁신적인 하이퍼 캐주얼 게임 마케팅은 5개국에서 ROAS를 획기적으로 높이고 CPI를 줄였습니다. 고가치 게이머를 위해 콘텐츠를 최적화하여 관심을 끌었고, 캠페인은 샘플링, 최적화, 확장으로 업계를 바꾸는 성과를 이뤘습니다. Get Color는 게임 산업을 혁신하며 새로운 지평을 열었습니다., url=https://www.appier.com/en/success-stories/zephyrmobile, hs_created_by_user_id=26624525, hs_created_at=1701889118369, hs_is_edited=false, hs_deleted_at=0, name=Zephyr Mobile, logo={url=https://www.appier.com/hubfs/Appier%20Website%20Images%20and%20Files/By%20Pages/Case%20Studies/CaseStudyCards_Zephyr.png, width=144, height=80, altText=, type=image}, hs_updated_by_user_id=26624525}

High-ROAS success in EMEA casual game
Get Color's campaign for its hyper-casual game spanned 5 countries, focusing on high-value gamers with optimized content to achieve remarkable ROAS and CPI reduction.
Start growing your business today with Appier