Be the go-to shopping destination with AI-powered hyper personalization
Build a personalized and engaging customer experience for each shopper with the help of AI. Get shoppers to browse, add items to cart, and check out.

Personalize every experience of the customer journey

Maximize brand awareness with dynamic ads
Make the best first impression with your audience. Inspire your visitors with eye-catching and interactive ads to maximize brand awareness and boost traffic to your website.
Learn more about Ad Cloud
Recommend the right products for each shopper
Delight customers the moment they land on your site with the most personalized content. Leverage deep learning algorithms that consider multiple factors, such as text, image, user affinity, and behavior sequence, to power sophisticated recommendations that help users find the products they have in mind.
Learn more about AIQUA
Know your shoppers better than they know themselves
Create a holistic view of each shopper with AI-powered data unification. Utilize AI-enabled interest exploration to identify audience segments that are difficult for human marketers to define. Use AI predictions to know which products they may like before they even think about shopping for it.
Learn more about AIXON
Get hesitant shoppers to check out immediately
Deliver incentives exactly when hesitant shoppers need an extra push to check out. Utilize on-site/in-app data to predict and quantify each customer's intent. Automatically segment customers accordingly and personalize pop-ups for promotions without wasting any coupons.
Learn more about AiDeal
Replicate the in-store customer experience online
Interact with shoppers at the right time via trigger campaigns for an AI-automated shopping journey. Deploy conversational marketing solutions to assist buyers as they browse online. The instant support rivals that of the in-store salesperson, and provides shoppers with the information they need to shop better.

Keep shoppers coming back for more
Make your relationship with your customers a long-lasting one. Raise customer lifetime value with loyalty programs across different channels. Integrate with no code gamified marketing modules such as lucky draw, surveys and daily check-ins, and turn one-time customers into superfans and brand ambassadors who purchase repeatedly from you.
Learn more about BotBonnieHow your peers work with us
post: {hs_id=71898104329, hs_child_table_id=0, title_ko=세계적인 화장품 브랜드, hs_updated_at=1654592240536, description_jp=台湾資生堂グループは、購入に迷う顧客をコンバートさせるために利用時間限定のクーポンを導入。watashi+上のコンバージョン率を47%向上, hs_published_at=1740541000154, title_jp=化粧品メーカー, description=Shiseido Taiwan Group introduced timely and exclusive coupons to communicate with hesitant buyers individually, allowing watashi+ by Shiseido Taiwan to successfully increase conversion rates by 47%., title=Japanese Multinational Cosmetics Company, description_ko=시세이도 대만 그룹(Shiseido Taiwan Group)은 구매를 망설이는 사용자들 맞춤 쿠폰을 적절한 타이밍에 전송하여, 시세이도 대만의 공식 이커머스 사이트 와타시플러스(watashi+)의 전환율을 47% 증가하는 효과를 거뒀습니다., url=https://www.appier.com/success-stories/watashi-by-shiseido-taiwan, hs_created_at=1650958880831, hs_is_edited=false, hs_deleted_at=0, name=Shiseido, logo={url=https://www.appier.com/hubfs/Appier%20Website%20Images/Logos/Case%20Study%20Card%20(Left)/CaseStudyCards_shiseido.png, width=318, height=57, altText=, type=image}, description_zh=台灣資生堂 Shiseido Taiwan Group 即時提供專屬折價券給每一位猶豫客,讓台灣資生堂的 watashi+ 成功提升 47% 的轉換率。, title_zh=全球頂尖美容集團}
Japanese Multinational Cosmetics Company
Shiseido Taiwan Group introduced timely and exclusive coupons to communicate with hesitant buyers individually, allowing watashi+ by Shiseido Taiwan to successfully increase conversion rates by 47%.
post: {hs_id=71951227063, hs_child_table_id=0, title_ko=세계적인 스킨케어 브랜드, hs_updated_at=1667361325382, description_jp=エスティーローダーはAppierと協力して、台湾の美容ファンをターゲティングし、メルマガ会員登録を促進、リードジェネレーション目標を167%上回るとともにリードあたりコストを63%削減, hs_published_at=1740541000154, title_jp=化粧品メーカー, description=Estée Lauder worked with Appier to drive mailing list sign-ups across devices among beauty lovers in Taiwan, exceeding lead-gen targets by 167% and reducing the cost per lead by 63%., title=Multinational Skincare & Cosmetics Conglomerate, description_ko=에스티로더(Estée Lauder)는 애피어와 함께 대만의 뷰티 소비자들을 대상으로 홍보물 수신 동의 캠페인을 진행하여, 목표한 리드 생성 타겟을 167% 초과 달성하고 리드당 비용을 63% 절감했습니다., url=https://www.appier.com/en/success-stories/est%C3%A9e-lauder, hs_created_at=1650962078743, hs_is_edited=false, hs_deleted_at=0, name=Estée Lauder, logo={url=https://www.appier.com/hubfs/Appier%20Website%20Images/Logos/Case%20Study%20Card%20(Left)/CaseStudyCards_Estee%20lauder.png, width=396, height=48, altText=, type=image}, description_zh=雅詩蘭黛 Estée Lauder 與 Appier 合作,鼓勵台灣的愛美人士留下 email 聯絡資訊,廣告投放成效最終超過 KPI 近兩倍,CPL 降低 63%。, title_zh=全球頂尖美妝品牌}
Multinational Skincare & Cosmetics Conglomerate
Estée Lauder worked with Appier to drive mailing list sign-ups across devices among beauty lovers in Taiwan, exceeding lead-gen targets by 167% and reducing the cost per lead by 63%.
post: {hs_id=82322401712, hs_child_table_id=0, title_ko=세계적인 스킨케어 브랜드, hs_updated_at=1740540935479, description_jp=ClarinsはAppierのAd CloudとAiDealを導入し、2021年下半期にはCPA 30%改善およびCVR 44%上昇に成功し、セール期間の勢いを促進しました。, hs_published_at=1740541000154, title_jp=化粧品メーカー, description=Clarins leveraged Appier’s Ad Cloud and AiDeal solutions to successfully reduce the CPA of its campaigns by 30% and improve the CVR by 44% during Q3 to Q4 2021 and boost sales season momentum., title=Leading global beauty brand, description_ko=Clarins는 Appier의 Ad Cloud 및 AiDeal 솔루션을 활용하여 캠페인의 CPA를 성공적으로 30% 절감하고 2021년 3분기와 4분기에 CVR을 44% 향상시켜 세일즈 시즌 모멘텀을 강화했습니다., url=https://www.appier.com/en/success-stories/clarins, hs_initial_published_at=1740541000214, hs_created_at=1660815150016, hs_is_edited=false, hs_deleted_at=0, name=Clarins, logo={url=https://www.appier.com/hubfs/Appier%20Website%20Images/Logos/Case%20Study%20Card%20(Left)/CaseStudyCards_CLARINS.svg, width=400, height=400, altText=, type=image}, description_zh=Clarins 採用 Appier 的 Ad Cloud 與 AiDeal 解決方案。最後不僅成功將 CPA 減少 30%,在 2021 年第 3 至第 4 季的行銷活動期間,轉換率更是提高了 44%,成功在購物季前後創造購物買氣。, hs_updated_by_user_id=12709169, title_zh=全球頂尖美妝品牌}
Leading global beauty brand
Clarins leveraged Appier’s Ad Cloud and AiDeal solutions to successfully reduce the CPA of its campaigns by 30% and improve the CVR by 44% during Q3 to Q4 2021 and boost sales season momentum.
Start growing your business today with Appier