애피어의 미션과 함께하세요

고객의 성공 구축에 열정적이며, AI 디지털 트랜스포메이션으로 글로벌 기업들을 지원하는 AI 혁신과 함께하고 싶으신가요?

글로벌 진출 현황

애피어는 전세계 17개 지사에서 1,600개 이상의 고객들이 AI 디지털 트랜스포메이션을 구현할 수 있도록 지원하고 있으며.

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애피어의 문화

애피어의 근간이 되는 핵심 가치는 고객 중심, 혁신, 실행 우수성, 성장 그리고 지속 가능성이며 이에 자부심을 가지고 있습니다. 또한 위닝 스피릿(winning spirit)에 기반한 서로 배려하는 팀 문화 구축을 위해 노력하고 있습니다.

Career_Our culture V2

H-appier : Hungry, Humble, Happier - appier

star-blue-50 Hungry
“ambition”, fearless, courageous, brave, no boundary, take challenge, pursuit excellence.
star-blue-50 Humble
“open-mindedness”, listening, adaptive, agile, flexible, transform to become better self everyday
star-blue-50 Happier
“direct communication”, diversity & inclusion, growth & sustainability

업무 환경

Appier workplace - Colleagues from different markets collaborate with each other_Small size
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Appier workplace - Dynamic product and technical team to enable world-class AI solutions_Small size
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Your next journey starts here


Zhi Chang Li

Engineering Director

To me, every day at appier is challenging. It is all about growing personally and with the team as a whole. Sustainable growth is the key for us to meet customers’ requests, challenges and bring even better products!



To me, every day at appier is challenging. It is all about growing personally and with the team as a whole. Sustainable growth is the key for us to meet customers’ requests, challenges and bring even better products!



To me, every day at appier is challenging. It is all about growing personally and with the team as a whole. Sustainable growth is the key for us to meet customers’ requests, challenges and bring even better products!



To me, every day at appier is challenging. It is all about growing personally and with the team as a whole. Sustainable growth is the key for us to meet customers’ requests, challenges and bring even better products!