Leading Intelligent Customer Data Platform, Powered by AI
Unlock the full potential of your data with AIRIS, where clean, real-time customer insights empower digital marketers to engage with precision through the most effective channels.

Activate any customer data in your database in real time
Data Loader seamlessly integrates AIRIS's real-time intelligent customer data platform with your CRM, database, and warehouses. It allows data teams to create a detailed mapping table and synchronize data, offering a holistic view of each customer, their buying groups, and interactions with your business for deeper insights and smarter actions.

Track every interaction and unify data in real time
Unlock a deep understanding of your customers as they evolve in real time across web, mobile, cloud server, and third-party touchpoints. AIRIS goes beyond mere data tracking; it unifies data instantly, enabling valuable marketing functions such as real-time remarketing, ad spend optimization and more.

Get a holistic view of each customer with real-time identity resolution
Unify all your data across different channels seamlessly into one single platform to gain a 360° view of each customer with our built-in data connectors. Follow your customers’ footprint from macro to micro levels to understand their behavior and respective drivers.

Shorten customer profile enrichment from months to minutes
One common challenge marketers face in distilling insights from customer data is the lengthy process of internal communication, often taking weeks or months. AIRIS empowers marketers to directly interact with your customer data, allowing the creation of custom attributes that describe each customer based on your unique business logic — all in just a few minutes.

Activate customer data for campaigns via seamless integration with personalization cloud
Connect the dots of customer data like never before. Our integrated platform marries AIQUA’s personalization platform with BotBonnie’s conversational savvy, transforming vast data points into actionable strategies with just a few clicks. It’s not just data collection; it’s smart data activation for impactful ROI.

Visualize insights and measure impact at every touchpoint
With AIRIS's advanced user-centric and flexible analytics interface, generating real-time insights is not only lightning fast but also effortless. Data is transformed into compelling visual narratives that captures the omnichannel customer journey, track marketing performance, and guide optimal strategies and actions. Segmentation is easily created and adjusted on the fly, enabling in-depth analysis and automation at scale.

Predictive Customer Insights with Conversion and Price Sensitivity Scoring
Anticipate customer needs and sculpt personalized campaigns with our advanced Conversion and Price Sensitivity Scoring. This dual analytic approach empowers you with a predictive edge, offering a crystal-clear forecast of customer behavior and value sensitivity, paving the way for high-performance campaigns and unmatched personalization.

Analytics Copilot: Transform Data into Strategy
Anticipate customer needs and sculpt personalized campaigns with our advanced Conversion and Price Sensitivity Scoring. This dual analytic approach empowers you with a predictive edge, offering a crystal-clear forecast of customer behavior and value sensitivity, paving the way for high-performance campaigns and unmatched personalization.
Experience Appier's superior technology
- Unify your data seamlessly with Customer 360°
- Fast Data-to-Visualization
- Fast Data-to-Prediction
Seamlessly integrate your customer data from more than 113 platforms, bridging all gaps among data from web/app, cloud databases, offline channels, and other 3rd party platforms. AIRIS becomes the brain across the marketing ecosystem.

Supercharge your analytics capabilities with dozens of templates built for and proven by marketers. Tired of bar graphs and flowcharts? AIRIS offers the most eye-catching, insightful and flexible reporting graphics. Marketers are now equipped with a much higher level of autonomy and flexibility in taking necessary actions in real time based on insights discovered with the intuitive and visualized interface.

Unleash the power of data science with AutoML predictive models that are proven to take your marketing ROI to the next level. Tag your customers with predictive user attributes in real time. AIRIS has built the marketing AI for you so you don’t have to build it yourself.

Why customers trust us
post: {hs_id=143691454132, hs_child_table_id=0, title_ko=아동 패션 업계의 선두주자, hs_updated_at=1702014224040, description_jp=F・O・インターナショナルはAppierとの提携でどのようにマーケティング戦略の変革と顧客データを統合し、パーソナライズされた顧客エンゲージメントの新時代を到来させたか, hs_published_at=1740541000154, title_jp=子供服業界におけるトップ企業, description=Explore how F・O・International partnered with Appier to revolutionize their marketing strategy, unify customer data, and usher in a new era of personalized customer engagement., title= Top player in the children's fashion industry, description_ko=F・O・인터내셔널이 Appier와 파트너십을 맺어 마케팅 전략을 혁신하고, 고객 데이터 통합하고, 개인화된 고객 인게이지먼트를 어떻게 달성했는지 알아보세요., url=https://www.appier.com/en/success-stories/fo-international, hs_created_by_user_id=26624525, hs_created_at=1698980781052, hs_is_edited=false, hs_deleted_at=0, name=F・O・International, logo={url=https://www.appier.com/hubfs/Appier%20Website%20Images%20and%20Files/By%20Pages/Case%20Studies/CaseStudyCards_%20FO%20International.svg, altText=, type=image}, description_zh=瞭解 F・O・International 如何與 Appier 攜手改善行銷策略、整合顧客數據,邁入個人化行銷互動新時代, hs_updated_by_user_id=52380829, title_zh=童裝產業領導品牌}
Top player in the children's fashion industry
Explore how F・O・International partnered with Appier to revolutionize their marketing strategy, unify customer data, and usher in a new era of personalized customer engagement.
post: {hs_id=143691454479, hs_child_table_id=0, title_ko=명망 높은 일본 호텔 그룹, hs_updated_at=1702014585435, description_jp=ホテルモントレはAppierと提携し、ホスピタリティ業界で最先端のマーケティングとエンゲージメントを実現するために、同社の一連のマーテックソリューションを導入しています。, hs_published_at=1740541000154, title_jp=高い評判を誇る日本のホテルグループ, description=Hotel Monterey has partnered with Appier to leverage its suite of martech solutions for the most advanced marketing and engagement in the hospitality industry., title=Reputable Japanese hotel group, description_ko=호텔 몬토레는 Appier와의 파트너십을 통해 호텔 산업에서 한층 발전된 마케팅 및 인게이지먼트를 제공하기 위해 마테크 솔루션 제품군을 활용했습니다. , url=https://www.appier.com/en/success-stories/hotel-monterey, hs_created_by_user_id=26624525, hs_created_at=1698996605482, hs_is_edited=false, hs_deleted_at=0, name=Hotel Monterey, logo={url=https://www.appier.com/hubfs/Appier%20Website%20Images%20and%20Files/By%20Pages/Case%20Studies/CaseStudyCard_Hotel%20Monterey.svg, altText=, type=image}, description_zh=蒙特利酒店與 Appier 合作,善用 Appier MarTech 解決方案實現領先旅館業的進階行銷互動,加速蒙特利酒店集團數位轉型,產生實用洞察,賦能高效行銷決策。, hs_updated_by_user_id=52380829, title_zh=知名日本酒店集團}
Reputable Japanese hotel group
Hotel Monterey has partnered with Appier to leverage its suite of martech solutions for the most advanced marketing and engagement in the hospitality industry.
Start growing your business today with Appier