Build 1:1 engagement with users for better conversion

Build 1:1 engagement with users for better conversion

Discover how Appier's AI solutions empower you to gain comprehensive insights into your customers and engage them with personalized content at the right time and place

Use case2_Hero_animation

Solve your engagement and conversion challenges with Appier

Use Case2_challenge 1. Achieving a 360 view of your users

Achieving a 360° view of your users

Obtaining a thorough understanding of your users is the initial step to building an engaging relationship. Leverage an AI-powered CDP to unify user data from varied sources, shaping a clear and comprehensive user profile.

Use Case2_challenge 2. Tailoring engagements to match user preferences

Tailoring engagements to match user preferences

To attract and engage users effectively, personalized marketing is key. Utilize Appier's cross-channel personalized user journey and AI-powered recommendations to drive engagement and cultivate loyal users.

Use Case2_challenge 3. Converting hesitant browsers into customers

Converting hesitant browsers into customers

Having a cart abandonment issue? Utilize Appier's multichannel journey map to send personalized messages and drive conversions.

Optimize your engagement and conversion strategy with Appier

Enhancing engagement with data insights

Interact effectively with users through data-driven insights

Leverage AI-powered CDP for marketing insights. Consolidate data to create unified user profiles and personalize strategies for optimized campaigns.

Use case2_case 1. Enhancing engagement with data insights
Personalizing product discovery

Tailor product discovery driven by customer behaviors

Deliver product recommendations tailored to your users' preferences. Utilize 24 out-of-the-box recommendation models with Autopilot functionality to optimize performance with AI algorithms

Use case2_case 2. Product discovery
Engaging on social media

Deliver personalized messages on social media

Through integration with third-party e-commerce platforms, personalized notifications such as order updates and reminders for points/coupons can be automatically sent to users, fostering engagement on social media platforms.

Use case2_case 3. Engaging on social
Driving conversions

Turn hesitant users into customers

Create a cross-channel user journey to maximize conversion opportunities. Re-engage hesitant shoppers and convert browsing users through shopping cart and browse abandonment recovery journeys.

Use case2_case 4. Driving conversions

Start Growing Your Business Today with Appier

Take the first step to engage your customers with our AI solution.
