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Success Story

MSIG Mingtai Insurance

Boost average transaction value by 24%

“We want to make selecting insurance products easy for our customers, so we’ve been actively adopting innovative technologies in recent years. We began working with Appier in 2018 to produce AI-informed analytics and insights into our promotional campaigns and service procedures, two major challenges in the digitization process. Appier’s AI technologies make customers feel at home when they visit our websites, allowing us to not only introduce our products to potential customers but build a better, closer relationship with our existing client base. Better still, Appier significantly improved our conversion rates and the percentage of high-value users. We will continue to work with them to uncover even more marketing opportunities as we lead the way for the application and development of insurance technologies in Taiwan and Asia.”

Executive Vice President, MSIG Mingtai Insurance

Zhi Chang Li

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Establish Long-term Customer Engagement

Despite MSIG Mingtai’s commitment to boosting its digital competitiveness via online sales and speedy claims processing, the renewal period of insurance policies, which is usually billed annually, remains considerably longer than general commodities, making it difficult to build a stable, ongoing engagement relationship with clients.

Precision Marketing

In addition, the renewal period of insurance makes MSIG Mingtai face great challenges in getting a detailed picture of their profiles as well as recommending the right products to the right users, in actively pinpointing high-value users for precision marketing, and in maximizing its overall marketing effectiveness.


Automatized one-stop communications management

The AIQUA User Engagement Platform allows MSIG Mingtai to manage all its communications campaigns in one place. With multiple digital channels and a wide range of automatic tools, AIQUA can satisfy all communication needs at every stage of the customer journey.

360° perspective

Appier’s AI engine can add value to existing data in MSIG Mingtai’s CRM database by tagging users with relevant interests and keywords, thus enabling the company to enable a 360 view of the customer and better identify audiences for targeting.

Multidimensional user segmentation

The AIXON Data Science Platform contains an AI module that is able to configure independent audience segments with zero overlap based on customers’ interest and keyword tags. This way, customized messages can be delivered to the desired target audience for higher conversions and less interruption.

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